
Oracle Interview Questions for Experienced: Part – 1

Oracle Interview Questions for Experienced Part - 1

Oracle Interview Questions for Experienced Part 1

1. What are the various modules in Oracle forms?

Oracle Forms typically consist of four main modules: the Menu module, the Canvas module, the PL/SQL library module, and the Object Library module.

2. What is the definition of a "snapshot" in the context of the Oracle database?

A snapshot in the Oracle database refers to a read-only, static view of a set of data from a specific point in time. It enables querying of consistent data without being affected by concurrent changes.

3. How many memory layers does the Oracle shared pool consist of?

The Oracle shared pool consists of two memory layers: the Library Cache and the Data Dictionary Cache.

4. Could you explain the concepts of "save point" and "hash cluster" within the Oracle database?

In Oracle, a save point marks a specific point in a transaction to which you can roll back if necessary. A hash cluster is a method of storing table data to improve retrieval by hashing the rows and storing similar rows together.

5. What are the various types of objects present in an Oracle database?

Oracle database objects include tables, views, indexes, sequences, synonyms, procedures, functions, triggers, and packages.

6. Enumerate the differences between pre-select and pre-query.

Pre-select triggers in Oracle Forms fire before the record is retrieved from the database, while pre-query triggers fire before the query is executed but after the record is fetched from the database.

7. What is a synonym? Can you create a synonym without a table?

A synonym is an alias for a table, view, sequence, procedure, or other schema objects. Yes, you can create a synonym without a table by associating it with another object or even an empty schema.

8. Enumerate the different types of synonyms in Oracle and describe their respective uses.

In Oracle, private synonyms are accessible only to the owner, while public synonyms are accessible to all users. Synonyms simplify access to objects by providing an alternate name for the object.

9. Explain the significance of the control file in Oracle database management.

The control file in Oracle stores metadata crucial for database operations, including database name, data file names and locations, log sequence numbers, and backup information.

10. What does BLOB data type mean in Oracle?

BLOB stands for Binary Large Object, representing a data type used to store binary data, such as images, audio, or video, within the Oracle database.

In conclusion,​

Oracle interview questions for experienced professionals aim to delve into various aspects of Oracle database management and development. From exploring database objects and memory structures like the shared pool to understanding crucial concepts like save points and control files, these questions offer a comprehensive view of the candidate’s expertise. Mastery of topics such as parameter handling, snapshots, and data conversion further demonstrates a candidate’s proficiency in Oracle database systems. Part – 1 of this series provides a solid foundation for assessing an experienced candidate’s knowledge, setting the stage for a deeper dive into more advanced topics in subsequent parts.

Ready to take your Oracle skills to the next level? Explore our top-notch Oracle Training in Chennai. Our expert instructors and hands-on approach ensure that you not only ace interviews but also thrive in real-world scenarios. To kickstart your journey to Oracle excellence, contact us at +91 9655-333-334. Secure your future today with the best Oracle Training in Chennai. Don’t miss out on the chance to propel your career forward!

Oracle Interview Questions for Experienced: Part – 2


Oracle Interview Questions for Intermediate

Oracle Interview Questions for Intermediate

Oracle Interview Questions for Intermediate

23. What is Integrity Constraint?

An integrity constraint in databases is a rule that ensures data consistency and accuracy within a table. It defines restrictions or conditions that must be met for data to be entered or modified, safeguarding the integrity of the database.

24. What is SQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It’s a standardized programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. SQL allows users to perform various operations like querying data, updating data, creating databases, and more.

25. What categories encompass the various types of SQL statements?

SQL statements can be categorized into Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Control Language (DCL), and Transaction Control Language (TCL).

26. What is PL/SQL?

PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is an extension of SQL used in Oracle databases. It allows the incorporation of procedural constructs like loops, conditions, and variables into SQL, enabling the creation of more complex and powerful queries and programs.

27. What is a Literal?

In programming and databases, a literal is a notation representing a fixed value in a code or query. It can be a string, number, date, or any constant value directly specified within the code without referencing a variable or column.

28. Difference between SQL and iSQL*Plus?

SQL is a language used to manage databases, while iSQLPlus is an Oracle tool that provides a web-based interface to execute SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks. iSQLPlus is a specific implementation or tool for accessing and working with SQL in an Oracle environment.

29. What are SQL functions?

SQL functions are pre-defined operations that can take one or more arguments, perform computations, and return a single value. They can be mathematical operations, string manipulation functions, date and time functions, etc., used within SQL queries to perform specific tasks.

30. What is a Sub Query?

A subquery, also known as a nested query, is a query nested within another SQL statement (like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE). It’s used to retrieve data necessary for the execution of the outer query and can be used in WHERE, FROM, HAVING, or SELECT clauses.

31. What is VArray?

VArray stands for Variable Array. It’s a data type in databases (like in Oracle) that allows the creation of arrays with a varying number of elements. VArrays have a fixed upper limit on the number of elements they can store, defined at the time of creation.

32. Which method of querying a table yields the fastest retrieval of data?

Index-based querying typically yields the fastest retrieval of data from a table. Using indexes allows databases to locate and access specific rows quickly based on the indexed columns.

33. What is the difference between hot backup and cold backup?

A hot backup is performed while the database is actively running, allowing users to access and modify the database during the backup process. In contrast, a cold backup is taken when the database is offline, ensuring no changes occur during the backup.

34. What are the uses of a database trigger?

Database triggers are special stored procedures that automatically execute in response to specific events, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a table. They are used to enforce business rules, maintain data integrity, and automate tasks based on database actions.

35. What is the difference between TRANSLATE and REPLACE?

TRANSLATE is a function used to replace multiple characters in a string with corresponding characters in another string based on their positions. REPLACE, on the other hand, substitutes all occurrences of a specified substring with another substring within a string.

36. What is Cross Join?

A cross-join in SQL is a type of join operation that combines each row from the first table with every row from the second table, resulting in a Cartesian product. It produces a result set with the total number of rows equal to the multiplication of the rows in both tables.

In conclusion,​

Concluding the discussion on Oracle Interview Questions for Intermediate Level, this exploration offers insights into crucial database concepts and functionalities within the Oracle ecosystem. From understanding fundamental terminologies like snapshots, shared pool layers, and database objects to diving into more intricate aspects such as save points, control files, and parameter distinctions, this part laid a solid foundation for Oracle practitioners seeking to strengthen their knowledge. These questions not only prompt a deeper comprehension of Oracle databases but also serve as valuable preparation for navigating the complexities inherent in database management and development roles.

Ready to take your Oracle skills to the next level? Explore our top-notch Oracle Training in Chennai. Our expert instructors and hands-on approach ensure that you not only ace interviews but also thrive in real-world scenarios. To kickstart your journey to Oracle excellence, contact us at +91 9655-333-334. Secure your future today with the best Oracle Training in Chennai. Don’t miss out on the chance to propel your career forward!


Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers: Part – 2

Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers Part - 2

Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers Part 2

12. What is DML?

DML stands for Data Manipulation Language, a subset of SQL used to manage data within the database. It includes commands like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE to modify or retrieve data.

13. What are Aggregate functions in Oracle?

Aggregate functions in Oracle, such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX, and MIN, perform calculations on a set of values and return a single value summarizing the data.

14. What are Temporal data types?

Temporal data types in Oracle are used to store date and time information. Examples include DATE for storing date and time, TIMESTAMP for precise date and time, and INTERVAL for a period of time.

15. What is a View?

A view in Oracle is a virtual table created by a query. It doesn’t store data itself but provides a way to present data stored in other tables or views in a predefined format, simplifying complex queries.

16. How are pictures stored in a database?

Pictures can be stored in a database using BLOB (Binary Large Object) data type columns, which can hold binary data like images, allowing them to be stored and retrieved from the database.

17. Where do you use DECODE and CASE statements?

DECODE and CASE statements in Oracle are used for conditional processing. DECODE is used to perform simple conditional comparisons, while CASE is more versatile, handling complex conditional logic within SQL statements.

18. In Oracle, what is the purpose of the MERGE statement, and what steps are involved in merging two tables?

The MERGE statement in Oracle combines INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations based on a specified condition. It’s used to synchronize data between two tables based on matching criteria.

19. What is the NULL value in Oracle?

In Oracle, NULL represents the absence of a value in a database column. It signifies that the data value for that particular column is unknown, undefined, or not applicable.

20. When is a SYSTEM tablespace created?

The SYSTEM tablespace in Oracle is automatically created when a new database is created. It contains metadata essential for the functioning of the database and stores the data dictionary tables and other system-related information.

21. Within the Oracle version numbering system (e.g.,, what does each number signify?

The Oracle version numbering system follows the format major.release.update.patch.port_platform. Each number indicates different levels of software versioning: major release, update within the release, patch set, port-specific updates, and platform-specific updates.

22. What is a bulk copy in Oracle?

Bulk copy in Oracle refers to the process of efficiently loading large volumes of data into database tables using techniques like the SQL*Loader utility, external tables, or bulk insert operations like the BULK COLLECT and FORALL features in PL/SQL. This method optimizes performance when inserting substantial amounts of data.

In conclusion,​

The Second part of the Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers covers fundamental concepts essential for navigating the Oracle database environment. These inquiries provide a foundational understanding of database structures, memory management, terminology, and key functionalities within Oracle. As beginners embark on their journey in the realm of Oracle, grasping these concepts forms a solid groundwork for diving deeper into the world of database management and development. Mastering these fundamentals lays the groundwork for proficiency and confidence when working with Oracle databases.

Ready to take your Oracle skills to the next level? Explore our top-notch Oracle Training in Chennai. Our expert instructors and hands-on approach ensure that you not only ace interviews but also thrive in real-world scenarios. To kickstart your journey to Oracle excellence, contact us at +91 9655-333-334. Secure your future today with the best Oracle Training in Chennai. Don’t miss out on the chance to propel your career forward!

Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers: Part – 1


Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers: Part – 1

Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers Part - 1

Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers Part - 1

1. What are schema objects?

Schema objects in Oracle are logical data storage structures, such as tables, views, indexes, sequences, synonyms, stored procedures, and more, owned by a specific database user (schema). They organize and store data within the database.

2. What are the components of the physical database structure in the Oracle database?

The physical database structure in Oracle consists of data files, control files, redo log files, and tablespaces. Data files store actual data, control files manage the database, redo log files track changes, and tablespaces contain logical storage units.

3. What elements constitute the logical database structure within an Oracle database?

The logical database structure includes schema objects like tables, indexes, views, sequences, stored procedures, triggers, and other database objects that define how data is stored, accessed, and manipulated.

4. Differentiate between Varchar and varchar2.

Varchar and varchar2 are both string data types in Oracle. Varchar can store variable-length character strings up to a specified maximum length, while varchar2 stores variable-length strings up to 4000 bytes by default and doesn’t trim trailing spaces.

5. What is an Oracle table?

An Oracle table is a basic unit of data storage, consisting of rows and columns where data is stored in a structured format. Tables are used to organize and manage data in a relational database.

6. What is a nested table?

A nested table in Oracle is a collection type that allows storing multiple rows within a single column of a table. It differs from a normal table as it is a part of another table’s structure and can be manipulated as a whole.

7. How are comments represented in Oracle?

Comments in Oracle SQL can be represented using two dashes (–), which comment out the rest of the line, or by enclosing text within /* */ to comment multiple lines or parts of a line.

8. How are a database, tablespace, and data file interrelated in the context of Oracle?

A database consists of one or more tablespaces, which, in turn, consist of multiple data files. Tablespaces logically group data files, and data files physically store database data within the tablespaces.

9. What are database objects in Oracle?

Database objects in Oracle refer to structures or entities used to store or manipulate data, including tables, indexes, views, sequences, synonyms, procedures, functions, packages, triggers, and more.

10. Explain the ANALYZE command in Oracle.

The ANALYZE command in Oracle is used to collect statistics about objects in the database, aiding the query optimizer in generating efficient execution plans for SQL statements.

11. Which types of joins are commonly utilized within subqueries?

Commonly used joins within subqueries include INNER JOINs, OUTER JOINs (LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN), and CROSS JOINs, which help link tables based on specified conditions.

In conclusion,​

The first part of the Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers covers fundamental concepts essential for navigating the Oracle database environment. These inquiries provide a foundational understanding of database structures, memory management, terminology, and key functionalities within Oracle. As beginners embark on their journey in the realm of Oracle, grasping these concepts forms a solid groundwork for diving deeper into the world of database management and development. Mastering these fundamentals lays the groundwork for proficiency and confidence when working with Oracle databases.

Ready to take your Oracle skills to the next level? Explore our top-notch Oracle Training in Chennai. Our expert instructors and hands-on approach ensure that you not only ace interviews but also thrive in real-world scenarios. To kickstart your journey to Oracle excellence, contact us at +91 9655-333-334. Secure your future today with the best Oracle Training in Chennai. Don’t miss out on the chance to propel your career forward!

Oracle Interview Questions for Freshers: Part – 2


Oracle Interview Questions for Experienced: Part – 2

Oracle Interview Questions for Experienced Part - 2

Oracle Interview Questions for Experienced Part 2

11. How does a post-database commit differ from a post-form commit in Oracle?

A post-database commit trigger fires after changes are committed to the database, while a post-form commit trigger fires after changes are committed within the current form session but before the changes are committed to the database.

12. What is a logical backup?

A logical backup involves exporting data from the Oracle database using utilities like Data Pump or Export, creating a logical representation of the database objects that can be imported back into the database.

13. What is redo log file mirroring in Oracle?

Redo log file mirroring in Oracle involves creating identical copies of redo log files to enhance fault tolerance and protect against loss of data due to a failure of the redo log file group.

14. What are recursive hints in Oracle?

Recursive hints in Oracle, like /*+ NOREWRITE */, prevent the optimizer from applying query rewrite transformations, ensuring that certain queries are not rewritten for optimization purposes.

15. State the limitations of the CHECK constraint.

CHECK constraints in Oracle have limitations such as not allowing subqueries or referring to other columns in the same table, limiting their complexity compared to other constraints.

16. How would you convert a date to a char in Oracle? Explain with an example.

To convert a date to a character in Oracle, you can use the TO_CHAR function. For instance:




17. Can you differentiate between formal and actual parameters in programming contexts?

Formal parameters are placeholders in a function or procedure definition, while actual parameters are the values passed to those parameters when the function or procedure is called.

18. What extensions do Oracle reports use?

Oracle Reports commonly use the .rdf (Report Definition File) extension for report definition files and the .rep (Report Output) extension for generated report output files.

19. What steps would you take to convert a string into a date format within the Oracle database?

To convert a string to a date in Oracle, use the TO_DATE function, specifying the format of the input string. For example:



SELECT TO_DATE(‘2023-12-26’, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’) FROM dual;

20. How would you find the current time and date in Oracle?

You can retrieve the current date and time in Oracle using the SYSDATE function. For instance:




21. What is the use of the following options in the IMP command: ROWS, GRANT, INDEXES, IGNORE, SHOW, FILE param?

  • ROWS: Specifies the number of rows to import.
  • GRANT: Imports object grants along with the data.
  • INDEXES: Imports indexes along with the table data.
  • IGNORE: Ignores creation errors during import.
  • SHOW: Displays the SQL statements without actually performing the import.
  • FILE param: Specifies the file from which import parameters are taken.

In conclusion,​

second part of Oracle Interview Questions for Experienced delves deeper into the intricate aspects of Oracle databases. It explores fundamental concepts like snapshots, memory structures, database objects, and transaction management, shedding light on the nuanced functionalities within an Oracle environment. Additionally, it touches upon crucial elements such as control files, parameter distinctions, and data conversion techniques, providing a comprehensive view of the knowledge base expected from experienced Oracle professionals. Mastering these aspects not only showcases expertise but also demonstrates a robust understanding of Oracle’s complexities, vital for navigating real-world database challenges effectively.

Ready to take your Oracle skills to the next level? Explore our top-notch Oracle Training in Chennai. Our expert instructors and hands-on approach ensure that you not only ace interviews but also thrive in real-world scenarios. To kickstart your journey to Oracle excellence, contact us at +91 9655-333-334. Secure your future today with the best Oracle Training in Chennai. Don’t miss out on the chance to propel your career forward!

Oracle Interview Questions for Experienced: Part – 1